City directories were published in Tennessee as early as 1849. Copies can be found in many local libraries. Ancestry has a robust collection, as does TSLA. A listing of the TSLA holdings can be found at They will even research and make copies for you!
City Directories are a gold mine of information for genealogists. Not only are they a great substitute for the 1890 census, but they help fill in the gap between censuses. You can learn about the part of town where your ancestor lived and who the neighbors were. Information about their occupation and employer is often included; there may even by ads or other information in the directory about their employer. The directories can provide clues to when your ancestor arrived in the area, when they died, and other family members. They are useful for finding female ancestors since wives’ names, widows, and single employed women are listed. For one research project, Memphis City Directories helped us confirm that the Joseph Marshall in the 1870 census was actually the James C Marshall we were looking for. The neighbors in the census and the directory were the same, and there was not a directory listing for a Joseph Marshall.
City directories were published in Tennessee as early as 1849. Copies can be found in many local libraries. Ancestry has a robust collection, as does TSLA. A listing of the TSLA holdings can be found at They will even research and make copies for you!
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